The Risks of Algorithmic Trading and How to Manage Them
Algorithmic trading is almost as old as the internet itself. It emerged in the late 1980s and 1990s in the initial stages of internet development. However, it gained mainstream popularity in 1998 when the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) started using computerized high-frequency trading. With every type of trading, there are risks of algorithmic ...

How to Avoid Trading Scams 101: What You Need to Know
Every day, new traders are introduced to the market trying to get their first big payout through trading. Unfortunately, scammers are also out to get these newbies. While it may be relatively more difficult to scam an experienced trader who is nuanced enough, there can also be some mistakes that may occur from time to ...

Hello World – Defiance Trading is Here!
Thanks to centralization in trading, the market is largely controlled by two groups of individuals: the whales and the market manipulators. This not only symbolizes an old way of trading, but it also excludes other traders from the market often leaving them powerless. However, this is about to change with defiance trading. With decentralization, traders ...
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